Monday, 18 April 2016

PPP// Instagram UPDATE

My Instagram Page /Mollypukes
I've been uploading on a daily basic onto Instagram since the beginning of November and so far I've managed to rather a viewing population of nearly 200. In order to up the views on my uploads I've fine-tuned my tags to cover a wider range of possible searches. A popular tag I normally use is 'Sketchbook' and 'sketchbookpage'; because I've noticed work with that tag normally gets the most likes and attention. Either people on Instagram love looking at sketchbook pages of other artists in order to get some form of inspiration or they're liking the photo of the what the work looks like in 'real world' than a clean scan. The sort of things I upload onto Instagram are comics, illustrations or silly little doodles; which seem to get the most attraction. I also upload paintings and photos of myself, which also get a fair bit of attention. I think the most attention on Instagram is gained by the over all 'colours' of the image, Pastel shades of photos seem to do way better then realistic tones.

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