One of the animations screened in the 'girls on the run' event at Bradford Animation Festival...
The animation is more of a music video then anything, where a woman dances in the streets of old Toyko. Directed/Animated/Danced by Shishi Yamazaki and produced in 2012 and animated with watercolours and coloured pencils I can only assume this is rotoscoped (where footage is referenced/traced over).
You can watch the video here:
I enjoyed this animation alot, being a huge fan of 'hand drawn' animation I love how in some parts of the animation the texture of pencil is so visible and how the paint is blotchy in some areas. The animation is rather simplistic and hardly features any bold outlines rather blocks of colour to identify objects. Shishi Yamazaki is documenting herself in this animation both with the animation itself and the playful attitude she is shown in when eating and dancing around the streets of old Tokyo.
The show case was screening 'animation by women' or pieces to show how women are represented within animation... Perhaps Yamazaki is showing her carefree nature towards what she eats and how she acts in public, rather then being concerned about her weight and how others perceive her.
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