Saturday, 17 September 2016

Zine Festival Part 3// Lady Glare

Lady glare is the latest zine I've been working on in order to sell it at the 'Zine fair' on the 10th. Lady glare is a short feminist zine approching cat calling, but focuing on the victims reaction. In a sperate project for COP focusing on street harrashment, I was inspiered to create this zine. This short illustrative booklet focuses on a response I've seen personally and done myself, in response to sexism and harrashment; which is a certain look. A look that tells the attacker without words, just what the victim thinks of them.  This zine also further inspiered a project within the COP research titled 'just tell them to fuck off' which also deals with the different levels of street harrasment.

Like the previous two zines, I hand drew the A4 page of the zine first on layout paper and then with pen and paper using my lightbox. Later scanning it in I balanced out the quality of the scan and then added addisional colour to the print.

Inked hand drawn version - Final version with digital colour

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