Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Personal SWOT Analysis

'SWOT' stands for Strengths - Weaknessess - Opportnities - Threats.
Swot is used as a business tool for Art schools as a development tool and for career planning. This tool is generally used to help reflect on personal abilities regarding your own career or specialism.

Strengths; Personal skills, Interpersonal skills, Technical skills, Artist skills and Time management. Weakness; Technical short comings, Personal issues that affect your work, Communication, Inter-personal such as teams or networks, Self management, Research and Financial constraints. Opportunities; Competitions, Learnings, Experience, Work, Association, Network, Forums, Shows & Festivals, Competitors. Threats; Competitors, Software barriers, Knowledge barriers, Fashion and trends, Change, Unappreciated weakness.

Below is a written copy of the personal SWOT analysis I completed:

Personal - (Strengths) Friendly and opinionated  (Weaknesses) Easily distracted 
Interpersonal - (Strengths) Social media (Weaknesses) Not very confident in public
Technical - (Strengths) Photoshop (Weaknesses) Computer technology
Artistic - (Strengths)  Character design, story boarding  (Weaknesses) Lack of Experimentation  

I also received some feed back from my peers about my SWOT, 
Personal - Friendly and easily approachable. Procrastination and distracted easily. 
Interpersonal- Very good social network presence. Lack of confidence and intimidated easily.
Technical- Good at digital cartoons. Struggle to grasp technology.
Artistic- Very good at character design and quirky style. Style isn't very versatile.  

We've been given a brief to relief over the sheet we filled in about our various qualities in a visual format, I've decided to produce some sort of cartoon for this featuring myself.. Similar to this small illustration I found in my sketchbook (below). 

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